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  • List your event at no charge

    • On the Events page of our website

    • Include the meeting name, date, location, short description, cover picture/image and website

  • Banner ad at no charge

    • Created by you

    • In the monthly issue and subject to available space

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  • Video meeting podcast at no charge

    • Created by you

    • Link included on your event listing

    • Posted on our YouTube channel

  • Submit a preview article at no charge

    • Authored by a doctor

    • Similar content as your upcoming meeting

    • Reference the upcoming meeting and include the date, location and event website

    • Include picture/event logo/save the date

    • Example

      • Check out the article on p. 6 by Dr. James, The Heart Summit Reaches New Heights in Multi-Modality Medical Education

      • She submitted this article to CCT with content similar to an upcoming meeting the Herma Heart Institute was hosting

      • At the end of the article it references the information for the upcoming meeting

      • This is a great way to peak the interest of colleagues

  • Paid advertising

    • Special discount rate

    • Ads should start approximately 3-4 months before your meeting
    • See our Sponsorship page for more details

  • Rent CCT's direct mail list

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    • USA and Canada addresses

    • Use for up to three mailings

    • Includes at least 2,000 recipients

  • Submit a summary article at no charge

    • Authored by a doctor

    • After the meeting

    • Reference the next meeting date, location and website

    • Include pictures from the event

    • Example

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Statements and opinions expressed in Congenital Cardiology Today reflect the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of

Congenital Cardiology Today.

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